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Stem Cell in IVF

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    Around 8% to 13% of couples worldwide suffer from infertility. However, this difficulty has been greatly reduced by recent medical advancements, particularly in infertility therapy. With numerous discoveries and advancements, In vitro fertilization is an option for them to have a baby. Among the new modules, stem cell IVF has caught the globe by storm. As a result, it seems to be much more successful than the conventional method.

    Everything You Need To Know About Stem Cell in IVF

    What Is It?

    Stem cells are seen as the basic building blocks of the human body. When certain conditions are met, they may produce more useful cells. When a stem cell produces additional cells, they are referred to as “daughter cells.”

    In most circumstances, the daughter cells develop into specialized cells that perform a specific task. However, on rare occasions, these cells may also give rise to another kind of stem cell. In this way, they will create a new sort of cell of their own own.

    The ability of stem cells to generate a new kind of cell has already been discussed. Because of this, physicians now consider them an effective alternative treatment for infertile patients. However, how would this benefit them?

    In the first place, these cells have a greater capacity for differentiation. In the laboratory, they may be turned into embryonic stem cells, ovaries, or endometrial or mesenchymal stem cells.

    Oocytes and spermatozoa may be generated in vitro from these cells, which can then be employed therapeutically. The process, however, is still in its infancy. As a result, the experts will have to do even more investigation to discover concrete evidence of the above.


    Listed below are the types of stem cells.

    • Embryonic stem cells

    The inner cell mass of the blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells that develops three to five days after a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, is the source of embryonic stem cells. The dot above “i” is the size of a human blastocyst.

    If everything goes according to plan, all tissues and organs will be formed by cells inside your inner cell mass. As a result, embryonic stem cells may be extracted from the inner cell mass and grown under certain laboratory settings to preserve their embryonic stem cell capabilities.

    • Tissue-specific stem cells

    Compared to embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells (also known as somatic or adult stem cells) are far more specialized. A typical stem cell may produce a wide range of cell types for the tissue or organ it lives in.

    • Induced pluripotent stem cells

    IPS cells are cells that have been created in the lab by transforming tissue-specific cells, such as skin cells, into cells that act like an embryonic stem cells. Scientists employ IPS cells to study normal development and disease progression and develop and test novel medications and cures. IPS cells are crucial instruments for this research.


    Following are the procedures:

    • Stem Cell Treatment for Male Infertility: Male infertility stem cell therapy is based on the spermatogenesis process. The procedure aids in the development of haploid spermatozoa from germ cells to the tubules of the testis. It starts with the mitotic division of stem cells, which helps the testes produce more sperm cells than normal. The human sperm count grows significantly as a result of this method. As a result, the impact of infertility diminishes with time. The pair may begin conceiving within the next several years if everything goes well.
    • Stem Cell Treatment for Female Infertility: For women who cannot conceive, stem cell treatment may be a life-changing option. It may improve oocyte and ovarian cell production. As a result, their fertility will soar to an all-time high. Aside from repairing tissues in the uterus, it may also encourage healthy cell production. In this manner, women may overcome their infertility and prepare the route to motherhood for their future children.


    Why Is It Needed?

    Using stem cells to treat blood cancer is the primary use of this treatment. However, it is increasingly being used by physicians to treat cardiovascular disorders. It aids in the removal of scar tissue and the restoration of heart health. Also, it has the potential to speed up the healing process after surgical procedures.

    This method may speed up IVF therapy by a considerable margin. In addition, it may help the male population by mending the tissues that cause sperm production difficulties. On the other hand, it may help the female uterus be healthier and more effective.


    All of your body’s organs and tissues are built on stem cells. Different parts of the body at different points in your lives produce various kinds of stem cells. In addition to embryonic stem cells, there are numerous kinds of tissue-specific (adult) stem cells that arise throughout fetal development and stay in your bodies throughout your lives.

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