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What is Pediatric Orthopedics?

    Consult With Experienced Doctors


    Pediatric orthopedic difficulties might include anything from a fractured bone to a painful knee that raises worry for a parent. Kids can develop many sorts of orthopedic disorders. Because of the variations between the bodies of children and adults, the specialist field of medicine known as pediatric orthopedics is dedicated to the treatment of bone and joint issues in children and adolescents who are still growing.

    What is Pediatric orthopedics?

    In pediatric orthopedics, the emphasis is on evaluating and treating musculoskeletal (bone, joint, and muscle) issues in children while growing. It encompasses infants and children from birth through adolescence.

    Orthopedists (also known as pediatric orthopedic surgeons) may do surgery when required, but they can also administer non-surgical therapies such as casts or limb braces when necessary as well.

    Children’s bodies are still developing, meaning they have a significantly different joint, muscle, and bone composition than adults. When problems emerge, their primary care physician often refers children to a pediatric orthopedist when problems emerge.

    Childhood Orthopedic Conditions

    The following are some of the most prevalent conditions that are encountered in children:

    • Bone fractures
    • Spinal deformities (scoliosis)
    • Limping and gait abnormalities
    • Infections of bones and joints
    • Painful joints after sports and activity

    In addition, other orthopedic problems affect particular age groups, such as neonates, and need special treatment.

    What Does a Pediatric Orthopedist Do?

    Pediatric orthopedists treat children via the use of surgical and other medical procedures. You and your kid’s pediatric orthopedist will collaborate to develop a customized treatment plan for your child.

    Pediatric orthopedists have received specialized training in communicating with youngsters about their medical problems. Not only can children suffer a variety of physical problems, but they also respond to them in a variety of ways.

    Reasons to See a Pediatric Orthopedist

    Because pediatric orthopedists are specialists, most children are referred to one by their primary care physician. Pediatric orthopedics encompasses a wide range of disorders; however, the following are some examples of those that pediatric orthopedists are trained to treat:

    • Abnormalities in the growing process.
    • Scoliosis: Typically, scoliosis is described as a lateral curvature of the spine and rotation of the vertebrae around the vertical axis of the spine. Scoliosis may affect the upper back (thoracic), lower back (lumbar), or, in rare cases, the neck. It is more common in women (cervical). Scoliosis is the most frequent spinal abnormality that affects teenagers between 10 and 16 years old.
    • Broken bones
    • Bone and joint infections
    • Clubfoot: An estimated 1 in every 1,000 newborns in the United States is affected with clubfoot, also known as talipes equinovarus, a congenital foot malformation that affects the toes. As described above, the afflicted foot is often smaller than the normal foot, with the heel pointing downward and the forefoot curving inward.
    • Problems walking
    • Sports injuries: Minor damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons causes most sports injuries. Immediate localized swelling, discomfort, or discoloration are common symptoms of these injuries. Contusions (bruises), sprains, and strains are frequent injuries.
    • Spinal issues
    • Ankle or foot surgeries
    • Nerve issues
    • Limb deformities
    • Issues in walking or moving.

    Consult your kid’s physician if you believe your child requires the services of a pediatric orthopedist. They can recommend you to one if you need one.

    What to Expect at the Pediatric Orthopedist

    Bring all relevant medical paperwork and insurance information when seeing a pediatric orthopedist for the first time. You and your kid will tell the pediatric orthopedist about your child’s symptoms and medical history. Make sure your youngster is dressed in loose-fitting, comfortable clothes.

    Your child’s ailment will be discussed with the pediatric orthopedist, who will also examine them. They may also conduct a test to understand the situation better. Depending on the scenario, it might be an MRI or an X-ray.

    Following the diagnosis, the doctor will discuss a treatment strategy with you and arrange any subsequent procedures that may be required. A cast brace, physical therapy, or surgery may be recommended as treatments. The therapy for your kid will be determined by the nature of the problem and the diagnosis.

    Pediatric orthopedists want to establish a relationship with your kid. They may communicate in a different way than a typical orthopedist. Besides, pediatric orthopedist offices are often brightly colored and equipped with child-sized chairs and toys.


    Nothing frightens a parent more than a sick or wounded kid. Fortunately, most orthopedic problems in children are very transient. The capacity of a child’s bones to repair after damage, recover from injury, and endure therapies is remarkable. Parents are best served by taking their children’s illnesses seriously, ensuring that they get the appropriate care, and listening to their children to ensure they receive the emotional support they need to recover.

    About Author


    Dr. Vivek Sodhai

    Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

    Dr. Vivek Sodhai is a fellowship-trained Pediatric Orthopedist practicing in Pune. After completing his Masters in Orthopedic Surgery, he did his training in the field of Pediatric Orthopedics from the prestigious Sancheti Institute for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation in Pune.

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