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What is IVF Success Rate ?

If one opts for IVF for the first time; the most important thing to know is the success rate of an IVF procedure. Around the world it varies from 35% to 40%. While in some developed countries like Spain; it hovers around the upper limit; it might be lower in undeveloped countries.

There is no magic bullet by which the success rate becomes 80-90% overnight. Also the mother’s physical and emotional health can affect the overall success rate of the procedure. Even if the success rate of IVF is 35-40%; you can still increase your chances of getting pregnant by keeping a few things in mind. Here are some tips that can help:

IVF Success Rate in India

The success rate of IVF procedure depends on the age of the woman and the cause of infertility. In India on an average it is about 35-40%.

According to a study in 2019; these were the percentages of success among IVF treatments in India

  • 32% for women under 35
  • 25% for women aged 35 to 37
  • 19% for women aged 38 to 39
  • 11% for women aged 40 to 42

Success Rate of IVF First Time

The process of having a child for the first time through IVF can be physically, emotionally and financially draining for first time couples. The most important things that determines the success is the mother’s physical and mental health; the quality of equipment and the experience of doctors at the clinic or hospital. 

It is important to note though; the first cycle of IVF might turn out to be a failure, you can net success in the second or third try, provided you know the reasons of failure   

How to Increase Your Chances of IVF Success Rate

The chances of having success in an IVF depends on several parameters. A combination of all the below points will ultimately decide on your success rate.

1. Maternal Age of the mother:

The single most influencing factors of IVF success rate is the maternal age. Women under 40 have higher IVF success rates and women between the age of 24 to 34 are more likely to have a higher IVF success rate. The reason is that advancing age can impact the quality and quantity of eggs produced.

2. Weight of the mother

The other most important factor is the weight of the mother. Being obese or overweight makes monitoring of the ovary difficult. The weight problem can be managed with consultation with dieticians and following a supervised cardio exercise and rhythm cycle.

3. Stress levels

Enrolling for IVF is a stressful affair both for the male and female. Stress can have a direct impact of the fertilization of eggs in the ovary. This can be managed with acupuncture and yoga sessions.

4. Smoking & Drinking

Both these can drastically affect your chance of success in an IVF cycle. It is strictly advised to avoid smoking, drinking and pesticides of any form during your entire pregnancy cycle. Your family and friends can help you in sticking to this.

5. Vitamin D levels

It has been found to directly influence the outcome of fertilization of eggs. Almost 40 % of the general population has low vitamin D levels. It is advised to check your Vitamin D levels and take a supplement as suggested by the doctor. 

6. Hospital/Clinic’s experience

The Clinic’s experience, expertise of IVF specialists, the technology and techniques used also determines the IVF success rates. Choosing the right clinic is an important step towards IVF success.

What Is The Success Rate Of IVF With Donor Eggs?

Women suffering from poor egg quality need donor eggs to their path to motherhood through donor eggs treatment The rate of success with donor egg IVF is about 60% per single attempt, and up to 90% in 3 attempts.

Fertility specialists will recommend IVF with donor eggs to women who have low egg quality or quantity. This can be due to age, certain medical treatments and fertility issues.

What Is The Success Rate Of IVF With Frozen Embryos?

There is a healthy debate regarding this. For patients 35 or younger, there is a 60% pregnancy rate per embryo transfer, whereas women over the age of 40 have a 20% pregnancy rate per embryo transfer.

Reproductive endocrinologists should take factors like age, stimulation response to make the recommendation that’s best for each patient

What is the success rate of IVF with ICSI?

Sometimes fertility experts recommend ICSI for every IVF cycle. Others reserve the treatment for those with severe male infertility.  

What can be definitely said is ICSI-IVF has enabled many infertile couples to get pregnant. Without it, they would not have been able to conceive using their own eggs and sperm.

Can IVF be successful the first time?

Success of IVF below 35 years of age can be more than 50 % successful for the first time. However success can depend on a lot of other issues

What Makes IVF More Successful?

IVF can be a successful way for lot of men and women to become parents Other than your diet, reducing stress, adequate sleep mentioned above the following points are also important for a successful IVF procedure

The quantity and quality of the eggs/embryo

The quality and quantity of sperm

The stimulation protocols and the timing of ovulation The ease of embryo transfer process 


Using the latest diagnostic tools, implementing ultramodern treatment processes, and observing a caring approach could be the difference between a successful and a failiure in the IVF procedure.

ONP is a pioneer in the IVF procedure in Pune. Both the Shivajinagar and Rahatani branches are equipped with all the latest facilities and some of Pune’s best fertility experts and gynaecologists guide you from admission to discharge making it a wonderful experience.


